Terms & Conditions

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Terms and Conditions Agreement of the following terms and conditions are explicitly accepted by you (the client) by hiring the service provider OZ VIRTUAL TECH SOLUTIONS PYT LTD (henceforth referred to as OZ VTS), the vendor:

* Providing Services: All of OZ VTS’s services are subject to these terms and conditions. Any of OZ VTS’s services or features may be added, altered, or removed at any time without warning or responsibility to you. On the other hand, the updated terms will be posted on the website to notify you of any such changes. Any inquiries made after the updated terms are available will be taken as approval of the modification. After you submit an online order form with the details of your question or give your consent through online platforms for OZ VTS to contact you, OZ VTS will get in touch with you to ask for any additional information, to provide a pricing estimate, and/or to confirm that the service is available.

* Obligations of Work:
You agree to provide OZ VTS with accurate, complete, and current information and to promptly tell OZ VTS of any modifications to our requests or data. You will contribute regularly and on schedule throughout the project. If such communication is not timely or forthcoming within the time frame stipulated by the Parties and the project lasts longer than the length of the agreement, OZ VTS will bill you for the additional hours at the agreed rate. For such delays, OZ VTS will not be liable for any damages or compensation. Unless otherwise specified at the time of enrolment, the hours allotted for monthly recurring accounts must be used up in a single billing cycle and cannot be carried over.

* Payment:
You will pay OZ VTS in accordance with the engagement model mentioned below. Any additional costs above the first estimate that OZ VTS provided you would require your approval, and OZ VTS will let you know before doing so. If you disagree with any charges that exceed the initial price estimate, you will have the chance to restrict the engagement’s scope. Depending on the availability of resources, OZ VTS will charge you 1.5 times the agreed-upon rate for any overtime you need if you need help on the weekends. The invoice must be paid within seven days after receipt. Any unpaid debt will be subject to an annual interest rate of 10% with immediate effect post the seven-day credit period.

*Fixed bid Model:
Before the project starts, pay 50% of the invoice amount in advance. You will receive progress reports for the fix bid job either daily or weekly. For OZ VTS to finish the project within the predetermined timeframe, you must pay the 50% invoice balance that is still owed after half of the project is finished. Within seven days of receiving the invoice, the final payment is due. If payment is not received within the allotted time, OZ VTS retains the right to charge the client’s card for the remaining balance on the invoice. The agreed-upon deadline for finishing your project will be deemed void if OZ VTS is unable to charge your card.

* Roll-over Model:
Purchase the blocks of time that you need, either full-time or part-time. The duration of these hour blocks’ use is one to two months, unless an extension is authorized and specified in the contract’s description part. At the start of the project, the hourly package must be paid in full. After payment has been received by OZ VTS, your remote assistance will start working. Upon using 80% of your paid hours, OZ VTS will then send you the remaining recharge. Recharging with a new hourly package before your current purchased hours expire will keep your same dedicated remote assistance working for you. If you don’t recharge it on time, your specialized remote help can be replaced with another resource with the same level of experience.

* Limited warranty:
By signing this, you hereby agree that OZ VTS services, research projects, and other materials are supplied “as is,” “with all flaws,” and with a limited guarantee to fix any errors. We cannot totally rule out errors in judgment or application, even if OZ VTS depends on sources, we consider reliable. Any unsuccessful investments or other choices made by the customer as a result of using the study report are not OZ VTS’s responsibility. Instead of offering specific recommendations, the reports are meant to give the client broad guidance. No claims or losses of any type, including but not limited to punitive damages, consequential damages, or lost profits, will ever make OZ VTS liable. Apart from the aforementioned, OZ VTS does not guarantee infringement, title, or quiet enjoyment. Anytime and for any reason, OZ VTS has the right to end a project. If you don’t utilize any of that time, you will be refunded within a week or two.

* Refunds:
In the case of the roll-over model, a partial refund will be given because our contract stipulates that “you may opt for a free replacement or a prorated refund of your unutilized hours if you terminate the contract any point in time due to dissatisfaction of the work.” OZ VTS offers a satisfaction guarantee whereby we shall rectify your project within the constraints of the initial agreement. However, all payments are final for the fixed bid model.

* Disclaimer:
Under no circumstances will OZ VTS be held accountable for or liable for any business, financial, or other losses that the company may have as a result of decisions the company makes using inputs from OZ VTS. By doing business on your behalf, OZ VTS, its staff, and consultants agree to release themselves from obligation for any losses, damages, litigation, or expenses brought on by third parties’ infringement of your intellectual property or proprietary rights.

* Confidentiality & Non-disclosure:
Any confidential information obtained during the engagement may not be disclosed to a third party by any party. Information regarding the company or a third party that is protected by privacy laws and regulations, has profit because it is not generally known to the public, or both is referred to as confidential information. The disclosing party has designated the aforementioned information as proprietary and/or secret, or it is the subject of reasonable measures taken by the disclosing party to ensure its confidentiality. Any correspondence or communication between the parties is considered confidential content. Even after this Agreement expires, the duties of confidentiality and non-disclosure will remain in effect. Please be advised that all phone and email interactions may be recorded for quality control purposes. Additionally, know that no private information will be shared without your consent. that before naming you or the nature of your business with any potential possibility for OZ VTS, OZ VTS will obtain your prior consent.

* Non-Solicitation:
Each party agrees that it will not, directly or indirectly, through its affiliates, principals, or other related parties, solicit, hire, consult, or otherwise influence any of the other party’s employees or employee referrals to quit their jobs and work for themselves or any other person or entity for the term of this Agreement and for two years after its termination or completion. Even if it would be difficult to demonstrate compensatory monetary losses resulting from a violation of this section, the client understands that it will be held liable if the violation is shown. Despite the fact that compensatory monetary damages resulting from a breach would be difficult to prove, the client agrees that any violation of this clause will make it liable to OZ VTS for liquidated damages in the amount of twenty thousand dollars USD ($25,000) for each such person. Any correspondence or communication via phone, social media, or email, whether inside or outside the company, will be considered evidence.

* Independent Contractor:
You and OZ VTS have had and will continue to have an independent contractor relationship. These terms and conditions will be interpreted as excluding any agreements made between OZ VTS and you, such as a joint venture, partnership, or syndicate.

* Force Majeure:
A failure that is outside of OZ VTS’s reasonable control and happens without its fault or negligence is not covered by the company’s liability policy. Examples of such events include acts of God (such as fires, explosions, earthquakes, drought, tidal waves, and floods), rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, and civil war.

* Severability:
In addition to strictly following these terms and conditions, OZ VTS must follow all Indian laws that may be relevant. If any part of this agreement is found to be unlawful, in violation of any law, or otherwise invalid, the remaining portion or portions will be deemed severable and unaffected by the ruling. The parties’ rights and obligations will be interpreted and enforced as though the Agreement did not contain the specific part, term, or provisions that were found to be unlawful or invalid. Any disagreement arising under this agreement will be settled by binding arbitration, the parties agree. The arbitrator’s decision will be binding, enforceable, and open to appeal. The arbitration expenses are to be paid by each party in accordance with the applicable Rules of Arbitration. The costs of the lawsuit, including a fair lawyer’s fee and any incurred legal fees, are due to the opposing party.

* Service Cost:
Inflation and market conditions could affect future service costs, which could rise yearly. Before any pricing adjustments take effect, appropriate notification must be given.

* Acknowledgment:
These terms and conditions set forth the parties’ complete understanding and agreement regarding the subject matter, superseding all previous communications and correspondence. They also include the scope of work and fee schedule (which are included in the terms and conditions).